- Teach staff about appropriate expectations for language and literacy skills across childhood.
- Model enriching language and literacy practices.
- Observe and provide feedback on ways staff members promote language development and communication.
Think about your early experiences with language. Was there a favorite song your grandfather sang to you? A rhyming game that you played with your sibling? Or the ritual of a nightly bedtime story before the lights were turned off? Our earliest experiences with language set the stage for our future success as effective communicators. This lesson will focus on the developmental stages and supports that all children need regardless of age or disability. For a more detailed list of age-specific supports, review the direct-care tracks for this course. Also remember, you are an important part of the language and literacy environment in the program. You can promote communication between children, staff members, and families by moving around the program and communicating! Talk to children and youth each and every day. This builds community and promotes development. This lesson will give you the tools to understand communication and coach staff in ways that promote communication.
Infant and Toddler Development
Infants and toddlers abilities to communicate grow as they interact and communicate with others. In fact, the sounds, tones, and patterns of speech that an infant hears early on set the stage for learning a specific language. They begin to understand words, express themselves using gestures and words, and learn the rules of conversation in their language.
You will help staff members understand expected development. Staff received a chart about infant and toddler development in their own lessons. Its important that you help them keep in mind that individual differences exist when it comes to the specific age at which infants and toddlers meet milestones; each child is unique. As highlighted in the Cognitive and Physical courses, milestones provide a guide for when to expect certain skills or behaviors to emerge. Here is a reminder about general language and communication developmental milestones:
Language and Communication Developmental Milestones in Infants & Toddlers
2 Months
- Makes sounds other than crying
- Reacts to loud noises
- Smiles at people when they talk or smile
4 Months
- Makes cooing sounds (ooo, aahh)
- Makes sounds back when spoken to
- Turns head in the direction of your voice
- Makes sounds when looking at objects
6 Months
- Responds to sounds by making sounds
- Begins to drool and create small bubbles with tongue and lips while making noises (i.e., "blowing raspberries")
- Makes squealing noises
- Begins to say consonant sounds (jabbering with m, b)
9 Months
- Makes different sounds like mamamaand "baababa"
- Lifts arms to be picked up
- Responds to own name
12 Months
- Uses simple gestures like waving bye-bye or shaking head no
- Says mama and dada
- Responds to no (pauses briefly or stops)
15 Months
- Tries to say one or two words, besides mama or dada, like ba for ball or da for dog
- Looks at familiar object when named
- Follows simple instructions when given with gesture, (gives toy when a hand is held out and told, Give me the toy
- Points to ask for something
18 Months
- Tries to say three or more words besides mama or dada
- Follows simple instructions without any gestures (gives toy when told, Give it to me.)
- Shakes head no
24 Months
- Points to things or pictures when they are named
- Says sentences with at least two words together like More milk
- Points to at least two body parts when asked
- Uses more gestures like blowing a kiss or nodding yes
- Repeats words overheard in conversation
30 Months
- Says about 50 words
- Says two or more words, including one action word like, Daddy run
- Names things in a book when you point and ask what it is
- Says words like I, me, we
Preschool Milestones
You should help staff members understand how children continue to develop during the preschool years. Staff will use the chart in the Apply Section for an understanding of how preschoolers communicate. You can review the chart as a reminder of the content. Its important to help staff keep in mind that that each child is unique and individual differences exist when it comes to the precise age at which children meet these milestones.
Language and Communication Developmental Milestones in Preschool
3 Years
- Carries on a conversation using at least two or more back-and-forth exchanges
- Asks who, what, where or why" questions
- Says what action is happening in a picture book when asked like eating or running
- Says first name when asked
- Talks well enough for others to understand most of the time
- Uses sentences that are three or four words long
4 Years
- Says sentences that are 4 or more words
- Says some words from a familiar song or story or nursery rhyme
- Talks about at least one thing that happened during their day like, I played ball.
- Answers simple questions like, What is a crayon for?
- Says first and last name when asked
- Knows some basic rules of grammar, such as correctly using he and she
5 Years
- Tells a story with at least two events that theyve either heard about, or made up
- Answers simple questions about a book or story read or told to them
- Carries on conversation using at least three or more back-and-forth exchanges
- Uses or recognizes simple rhymes (bat, cat, ball, tall)
- Can define common items by use (eg., a fork is a thing you eat with)
- Tells a simple story using full sentences
School-Age Milestones
As you know, the school-age years are full of rich development in how children use language and develop literacy skills. Communication skills are vital to interacting and participating in all aspects of a childs environment. School-age children will be exploring and expanding on the four major components of communication, which are listening, talking, reading and writing. You will help staff members understand this important stage and how to nurture development. You can find a guide in the Apply section for more in-depth information about how and when school-age children develop important communication skills.
How Children Communicate
As you study the charts above and in the Apply attachment, you will notice that some milestones are associated with childrens ability to listen to and understand language (receptive communication), others with childrens ability to express themselves using sounds, movements, gestures, facial expressions and words (expressive communication), and others with their knowledge and ability to engage in communication exchanges with peers or adults (social engagement). Lets take a look at how these aspects of communication unfold and as part of the remarkable development of young children from birth to age 12.
Receptive Communication
Receptive communication refers to childrens ability to listen to and understand language. Infants begin to understand language as part of their nurturing relationships with responsive, trusted adults and are able to make sense of gestures, facial expressions and words well before they are able to verbally express themselves. During the preschool years, language comprehension increases dramatically. Children begin to understand more words, longer sentences, and more elaborate questions. They understand the names of most things in their daily environment (nouns for persons, pets, or things they see or use each day, such as mom, dad, dog, cat, shoes, ball) and actions they see or engage in each day (verbs such as running, hopping, drinking, or jumping). Children also begin to learn new descriptive words (adjectives such as soft, hard, or smooth), and emotion words (e.g., mad, sad, happy, scary).
Understanding language is closely related to young childrens cognitive development. Three-year-olds begin to use and understand why, when, and how questions. By the time they are 4, children understand many words for colors, shapes, and sizes. Understanding language is also closely related to early literacy math skill development. During the fourth year, children are learning to understand letter names and sounds and number names and meaning. Receptive language is essential for success in preschool, as children need to understand how to follow directions, and listen to what teachers, other significant adults in their lives, or peers have to say.
As children move through the school-age years, their ability to remember information, respond to instructions, and follow sequences of information improves. They begin developing the ability to draw conclusions from what they hear and to form opinions.
Expressive Communication
Expressive communication is the ability for children to express themselves through sounds, gestures, facial expressions and words. A beginning point for expressive communication is the infants cry. Cooing is another form of early communication and can begin as early as one month. By six-months, you can hear new sounds like ma, ba, and da. By 18-months, you may hear toddlers using two- and three-word sentences, such as me go, or more drink
Preschool children learn to use new words every day. They use these new words in conversations and social interactions with peers and adults in their lives. Preschool children use expressive language throughout their day. They talk about their actions, emotions, needs, and ideas. They also respond to what others are saying. This becomes particularly apparent when you watch children playing with each other. They often talk about what they are playing with, describe their actions and ideas for play, and respond to what their friends are saying and doing. These examples highlight how oral language is closely related to social development. However, sometimes children also use expressive language to engage in private speech. Children may talk to themselves when they are engaged in difficult tasks, to think out loud, or when they are excited. For example, a child may talk to herself while she is building a high tower with blocks (e.g., saying things like one more, dont fall) or when she completes a new or challenging activity (e.g., I finished the big puzzle all by myself!).
School-age children are sophisticated speakers. The youngest school-age children are understood by most people, can answer simple questions, retell stories, and participate actively in conversations. As they grow, they develop the ability to express ideas in clear and complete sentences, give directions, clarify and explain ideas, summarize, and use language for a variety of purposes.
Social Engagement
Social engagement involves the understanding and use of communication rules such as listening, taking turns, and using appropriate sounds and facial expressions. Conversations involve both understanding (receptive communication) and expressing (expressive communication). Infants and toddlers learn the ways to use sounds, gestures, facial expressions and words of their familys language when adults interact, talk, read or sing with them.
As children grow, social engagement becomes equated with conversation skills. Conversations involve both understanding language (receptive communication) and speaking (expressive communication). Conversation skills involve learning to take turns, listening, speaking, and maintaining interest in a topic. Preschool children begin having conversations with adults and eventually learn to carry out conversations with peers. By school-age, most children carry on complex conversations and can enter and exit conversations appropriately.
Helping Staff Members Communicate with Children
Staff members must use their knowledge of child development to communicate appropriately with the children in their care. Be prepared to teach staff effective strategies for facilitating communication. When working with staff members in the classroom, observe as they engage with children to ensure they do the following:
Effective Strategies for Facilitating Communication
Infant Toddler
- Build awareness of sound. Provide many noise-making objects in the environment (instruments, shakers). Describe the sounds and rhythms you hear (fast, slow, loud, soft).
- Bring attention to sounds like sneezes, doors opening, a cart coming down the hall and use those as opportunities to describe sounds.
- Imitate sounds infants make.
- Add more information to toddlers' comments (e.g., "Yes, that's green. It's a green and yellow dandelion.")
- Interpret communication for other infant or toddler peers (e.g., "Jamal looks really interested in what you're doing. I think he's asking to play with you.")
- Use the language of the childs family. If you dont speak the language, learn a few important words. Ask for videos or recordings of lullabies or messages from family.
- Sing songs and say rhymes frequently.
- Read to infants and toddlers.
- Follow infants' and toddlers' cues.
- Ask children meaningful questions about their actions, interests, events, or feelings.
- Build a love for stories. Tell stories and encourage children to tell stories about their homes, communities, and families.
- Use contextualized and decontextualized speech. Contextualized speech is about things the child can see and experience in the moment. Decontextualized speech is about people, objects, or ideas that arent immediately present.
- Read frequently and offer opportunities for children to be active in the reading and retelling of stories.
- Provide a range of writing materials that encourage children to communicate in pictures, letters, words, or symbols.
- Embed language games, songs, and rhymes into everyday routines.
- Post a written schedule with pictures, so children know what to expect. This also reinforces that print has meaning.
- Provide frequent language models throughout the day; use rich vocabulary.
- Follow childrens leads, cues, and preferences.
- Include new words in conversations.
- Use the language of the childs family. Teach rhymes, songs, and books from home languages.
- Incorporate alternative ways and systems of communication based on childrens individual needs (e.g., using pictures or visual cues to foster communication).
- Communicate respectfully with school-agers; value their feelings, thoughts, age, and intelligence.
- Respond truthfully to school-agers questions even when the question is difficult.
- Remember the importance of friendship and fairness in the school-age years. Practice effective communication strategies and conflict navigation.
- Recognize school-agers language assets. They will know slang and words you dont know! Enforce guidelines for hurtful or offensive language, but create spaces for youth to explore language through poetry, media, music, and art.
- Act as role models and respond to school-agers conversations about text messaging, social media, and other electronic communication by discussing strategies for safe technology use. Give children positive messages about their media literacy.
- Practice active listening to indicate that you are paying attention and understanding what school-agers have to say.
Developing Language Through Media Literacy
The use of digital technology has become an important tool with which we form our personal identities, build relationships, and express our values. Like traditional forms of literacy, media literacy helps children develop new skills and attitudes, expand their creative thinking, and become effective communicators in todays world. It can be helpful to think about the ways media connects people and empowers youth. How can children and youth be leaders and make decisions about digital tools? How can they use digital tools to build partnerships across physical locations? How can technology be used to make sure all families, youth, and staff can participate in a way that works for them?
Media literacy isnt just for children and youth, though! Work with staff to make sure they understand your programs media policies. Make clear your programs guidelines for posting any information, opinions, or photos of the program, children, or families. For more information supporting staff with media literacy actions, see the References & Resources section.
Promoting Communication for All Children
An environment rich in language and literacy benefits each and every child, but such environments can look very different from year to year, depending on the unique strengths and needs of the children served. The key is observation and intentionality. Work with staff to help them recognize that an effective program is one that makes sure each child is welcomed, supported, and appreciated.
Children communicate and express language differently. Children who are learning multiple languages (emergent bilinguals), for example, follow a unique language learning pattern. Children with language delays or developmental disabilities may develop language more slowly than expected or not at all. For these children, the curriculum, learning environment, and experiences in your program may need to be adapted. Take a few seconds to think about what your program is currently doing to ensure you address the communication needs of all children.
Some children in your program may have conditions that affect their language and communication development, including developmental delays, autism, neurological and perceptual disorders, or vision, hearing, speech, or language impairments. Children with Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) or Individualized Family Service Plans (IFSPs) have a specific plan to help them meet their personal goals, and very often these children will need changes or adaptations to curriculum, classroom environment, and daily routines.
Many children with autism and other developmental disabilities can be strong visual learnerspictures and images may make more sense to them than words do. Visual supports like picture schedules can make activities, routines, or instructions more meaningful and easier to understand. Media literacy can be especially important for children with autism: interacting with others through the visually appealing, predictable online games and apps can play to childrens strengths.
Work with staff to make sure they know how to support children with hearing impairments. Work with management to ensure assistive technology is in place when needed. For example, a teacher may wear a microphone that sends audio to a childs hearing device. Children with visual impairments may use Braille, large print, or big books. Children of all abilities may use a range of assistive technology. This may include communication devices that enable them to explore their surroundings and interact with others. Make sure all children and families feel welcome and involved. The Kids Included Together (KIT) program can be a valuable resource for ideas. Staff can also consider Building Blocks and Karas Kit. These resources from the Division for Early Childhood of the Council for Exceptional Children provide practical ways to help children communicate successfully.
Though most children follow the milestones outlined above, the rate at which development occurs varies and can be influenced by a variety of factors. It is your responsibility to ensure that staff members observe children and youth regularly and use their knowledge of child development to bring forth any concerns they might have. While looking out for developmental delays is important for all ages, it is especially vital for infants and toddlers. Delays in communication in very young children may be indicative of concerns in other developmental areas. Remind staff of your program's policies and procedures for making referrals so children can get the support they need as quickly as possible.
For children whose language development does not follow expected milestones or who have an identified disability, ensure that staff do the following:
- Partner with families to set meaningful expectations. Learn about the ways families hope to communicate with their child. Work together to set expectations for the childs development that maximize their connections with family, community, and other children.
- Modify curriculum goals so children are supported in achieving what is possible for them developmentally.
- Accommodate so children and youth experience success. Making small changes in the environment or adding adaptive materials can help children feel successful regardless of where they are developmentally.
- Collaborate with other professionals. Make time for staff members to meet with related service providers like speech and language pathologists, behavior therapists, occupational therapists, physical therapists, audiologists, nurses, etc. When possible, go to these meetings, as well. Also be sure to connect with people who can provide training on specific needs you encounter in your program. Access local resources or contracted service providers to give your staff training on working with children with disabilities.
Here are more specific ways you can help staff members support the communication of all children:
Create scripted stories about difficult routines and teach staff members how and when to read it to a young child. You can find downloadable samples at . Scripted stories can also be appropriate (with some modification) for older children in school-age programs. You might help a staff member create a photo book or video about a school-age childs routine, or you could work directly with the school-age child to develop communication tools that will help them. For example, you might help staff members or a school-age child develop a checklist about the routines in the school-age program.
I can use my words
adapted from images by Rochelle Lentini, USF
- Work with special education or early intervention professionals to access and provide training on assistive technology or other technology the child needs.
- Provide training on common language techniques. You can teach staff members to repeat, expand, and extend childrens language. For example:
Observe staff members regularly and provide feedback on the way they are using language with all children.
- Have problem-solving conversations with staff members when there is an issue. If a school-age childs speech is difficult to understand, for example, brainstorm with staff members about ways to ensure that child is a successful communicator in the program. Observe in the program and act quickly with staff members if you see any signs of teasing or bullying. You might lead programs with staff members, families, or children to teach ways to embrace and respond to differences in a respectful way. Consider reviewing the Anti-Bias Curriculum for strategies you and staff members can use to foster an understanding of differences related to language, ability, culture, and other aspects of human diversity.
- Remember to encourage staff members efforts and successes. It can be scary for staff members to try something new or to communicate in new ways with a child or family. Celebrate small successes and encourage them to be persistent.
You are a role model for communication in your program. The following strategies will help staff members see the strategies they should use in their own work:
- Talk to children and families every day. Greet children by name when they come in the door. This can be challenging in large programs, but you should make an effort to know as many children and families as possible. By doing so, you will help them understand who you are and what your role is. This will also create a more welcoming environment in your program.
- Be an active observer during your visits to classrooms and programs. Get involved and engaged to the maximum extent that you and staff members feel comfortable. Model communication strategies for staff members. Sit on the floor with infants and talk to them. Notice and comment on objects in the environment or things you see infants attending to. In preschool classrooms, model rich vocabulary when you talk to children. During experiments, comment on childrens predictions. Describe the structures children have built in interesting ways (You used three cylinders to hold up the structure. It looks very sturdy.). Ask school-age children about their interests, clubs, sports, or community events. Have natural conversations while you move around the program. Learn about popular media or events that are likely of interest to school-agers. Show an interest in what they care about or are learning in school.
- Be a reader. Talk with staff about books or articles you have read. Write a special note and share something you think a staff member might like to read. These can be professional books or recreational. Start a staff book club. Talk with school-agers about books they are reading. Encourage staff members to read along with the school-age children and discuss books.
- Take an inquiry stance. Ask lots of questions and try to understand staff members and families perspectives.
As you move through the program and interact with staff members, watch staff members interactions with children. Look for signs that staff members understand child development and have realistically high expectations for childrens communication skills. Take a look at the following scenarios and think about what you would see, say and do in each.
Communication Contrasts: Meals for Infants and Toddlers
Communication Contrasts: Meals for Preschool & School-Age
Randomly choose a classroom or program space to observe from each age group. Observe for evidence that the individual communication development needs are being met. While observing, use the listed age specific considerations for promoting communication as a guide. Then, complete the 勛圖厙ing Communication Development Plan to support staff with the coaching and resources they need in order to better support the communication development of children and youth.
Here you can find a Milestone Guide about how children develop communication skills from birth through age 12. The tables are consistent with what direct-care staff members have read in their own courses. This document is intended as a reference for you or as something you can provide to staff members as a refresher.
Bardige, B. S. (2016). Talk to me baby! How you can support young childrens language development (2nd ed.). Baltimore, MD: Brookes Publishing.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2021). Developmental milestones.
Copp, S. B., Cabell, S. Q., Gabas, C., Slik, D., & Todd, J. (2022). The Rising Star Scaffolding Guide: 勛圖厙ing Young Childrens Early Spelling Skills. The Reading Teacher, 76(4).
Derman-Sparks, L., LeeKeenan, D., & Nimmo, J. (2015). Leading anti-bias early childhood programs: A guide for change. Washington, DC: National Association for the Education of Young Children.
Espinosa, L. (2014). Getting it right for young children from diverse backgrounds. New York, NY: Pearson.
Head Start National Center on Cultural and Linguistic Responsiveness (n.d.). Including Childrens home language and cultures.
Head Start National Center on Cultural and Linguistic Responsiveness (n.d). Creating environments that include childrens home languages and cultures.
Hemmeter, M.L., Ostrosky, M., & Fox, L. (2021). Unpacking the pyramid model: A practical guide for preschool teachers. Brookes Publishing.
Herdzina, J. & Lauricella, A. R. (2020). Media literacy in early childhood report. Chicago, IL. Technology in Early Childhood (TEC) Center, Erikson Institute.
National Communication Association (2014). What is communication?
Rogow, F. (2022). Start with wonder, then add inquiry: Developing young childrens media literacy. The National Association for the Education of Young Children.
Rogow, F. 2022. Media literacy for young children: Teaching beyond the screen time debates. Washington, DC: NAEYC.
Souto-Manning, M., & Martell, J. (2016). Reading, writing, and talk: Inclusive teaching strategies for diverse learners, K-2. Teachers College Press.
Tominey, S. L., & OBryon, E.C. (2017). 45 strategies that support young dual language learners. Baltimore, MD: Brookes Publishing.