Training & Curriculum SpecialistSafe EnvironmentsLesson 3ExploreProviding Feedback on Supervision
For this activity choose the Infant Toddler Supervision video, the School-Age Supervision video, or both. Answer the questions based on what you viewed. Think about what kinds of feedback you would provide to the staff members. Remember, feedback happens in the context of a relationship with each staff member. Focus on what you would actually say. Use first- and second-person language like I and you.
Infant Toddler Supervision Activity
As you watch this video, think about what kinds of feedback you would provide to staff members.
School Age Supervision Activity
As you watch this video, think about how you would engage a staff member in a conversation about safety.
What positive feedback would you provide to the staff member based on your observation?
Infant Toddler: You noticed that the rocking horse was in an unsafe spot and moved it. That helped the infant explore more safely.
School-Age: Tell me more about what happened at the gym today.. I noticed that the kids were excited to play but they were using materials unsafely. How do you think the team could set up the space to help them use materials safely?.
What will you say to transition the teacher into thinking reflectively?
Infant Toddler: How was today similar to other days? How do you and the team work together to make sure each child is supported?. I noticed that you had 3 or 4 infants near you during feeding. What would make that time easier to manage?.
School-Age: Tell me more about what happened at the gym today.. I noticed that the kids were excited to play but they were using materials unsafely. How do you think the team could set up the space to help them use materials safely?.
What corrective feedback would you provide to the staff member?
Infant Toddler: Whenever you step away, it is very important that infants are on safe surfaces. Moving Eloise to the floor or a seat with a strap would have given you more time to help with the rocking horse.
School-Age: Now that we know the youth need more active supervision at clean-up times in the gym room, make sure you stay in the space with them, model putting things away, and comment on kids who are doing what theyre supposed to do.
What resources do you think the staff member needs?
Infant Toddler: Walk through room and discuss zones, how theyre used, and how theyre supervised. Make sure safe seating is available and unsafe seating is removed.
School-Age: Help staff member post safety guidelines/expectations in visible locations around the gym. Discuss safety with the team to make sure all adults understand the need for supervision during childrens free play.
What would you plan for your next visit? What goals would you encourage the staff member to set to improve their performance? How would you monitor progress on these goals?
Infant Toddler: Walk through regularly and connect with management about materials
School-Age: Visit during structured and unstructured times to help identify what works. Model transition strategies and child guidance approaches.