You can have a major impact by simply asking staff members how you can support their work with families. This models a parallel process they can use with families. Use this inventory to gather information from the staff members you work with. Make adjustments in your practice based on the answers staff members give you.
Are you satisfied with how our program engages families?
What could we do as a program to improve the experiences our families have?
Think about the families you have the strongest relationships or partnerships with. What are the characteristics of this family that make it easy for you to work with them? (Are they the first to volunteer? Do they say Hi to you every morning? Do you relate to them on a personal level?)
What can I do to support your work with this family or these families?
Now think about the families you are concerned about or do not have as strong of a relationship with. What are the characteristics of these families that make it harder for you to connect?
What can I do to support your work with this family or families?
What is one thing I could do to help you work with families? What is one change our program could make to show our commitment to families?