Are you struggling with any parts of your workday? This guide will help you problem-solve and discuss your ideas with a trainer, coach, or administrator.
Daily Schedule
Is it Difficult?
What usually happens that makes it difficult?
(For example, do children run around? Do you feel like you don’t have enough help? Do kids not follow directions?)
Free-choice time
A group of children choose the same activity every day and stay in the same activity area the whole time; they have done this for about two weeks now. A family has expressed concern that their child is always doing the same thing.
Do you see any patterns in your daily trouble spots? For example, are they all transitions or times when the other adults in your room are busy?
Choose your most difficult routine. Describe exactly what you want children and youth to do during that routine (break it into steps):
Work with your coach or another staff member to decide how to teach the children or youth these steps. Or work with your coach or another staff member to decide things you could do to alter the routine or schedule to better support the children and youth.