PreschoolHealthy EnvironmentsLesson 2ExploreWhat Would You Do Next?
Its important to teach children healthy habits. Watch the What Would You Do Next video. Answer the questions below and share your responses with your trainer, coach, or administrator.
What Would You Do Next?
What would you do to prevent the spread of germs?
In what ways is the child learning independent self-care skills?
The child is learning to wipe his own nose and to care for his own personal health needs. He is learning to use a tissue. He is learning to be prepared by carrying a (clean) tissue in his pocket. Unfortunately, though, he is not learning to prevent the spread of germs after cleaning his nose.
What are the health risks of what you saw in the video?
The child cleans his nose and puts the soiled tissue back in his pocket. Then he reuses it. He also touches a variety of dolls and surfaces after touching his nose and the tissue. If he has a cold, he has spread his germs to all of those surfaces.
If you saw this in your classroom, what would you do next?
First, you should go to the child and gently remind him to throw the tissue away and wash his hands thoroughly. Stay with him and provide modeling and reminders as necessary. Place the toys he touched in a dirty toys bin for washing. Clean and sanitize the bean bag and allow it to air dry.
What could the teachers in this classroom do to prevent the spread of germs in the future?
Teach the children to always wash their hands after using a tissue, sneezing, coughing into their hands, etc. Ensure tissues are readily available in a variety of areas for children to access. Praise and encourage children for using tissues, but remind them about the important next step of washing their hands. Teachers should also continue to model these healthy habits by washing their own hands after coming into contact with any body fluid.