How do your center’s policies strengthen relationships between adults? How about between adults and children?
Do any of your center’s policies weaken or undermine relationships? Which policies?
What changes could be made to those policies to make them more supportive of adults' relationships?
How do your center’s policies support caring connections with families that go beyond surface level kindness?
Do your program’s policies limit staff relationships with families? How so and why?
Do you need to make changes to staff scheduling so relationship priorities are put first? For instance, is there frequent contact between families and their child’s primary caregiver?
How is family participation treated as a shared value and goal among center staff? How about among families?
Does your center feel homey? Why or why not?
Is relationship and community building a program-wide goal? How do you know?
Adapted from Baker & Manfredi-Pettit, 2004, p. 176–178.