Perform a walkthrough of your program, giving your attention to the ways that your program environment and staff communicate with children and with each other about daily schedules and routines. Schedules are appropriate for the age of the children or youth in the program (balance of adult-guided and child-directed activities; infants and toddlers have individualized schedules). A substantial portion of the day is dedicated to free-choice time. Routines are predictable but flexible to meet children’s needs. Schedules are communicated to the children through pictures, words, or a combination based on the age of the child or youth. For infants, schedules are consistent and based on infants’ needs. A separate schedule is posted for adults and children. Adults adapt schedules and routines to meet children’s needs. Learning time is maximized by limiting the number of transitions. Adults help children or youth transition successfully (engaging learning opportunities during transitions, providing warnings, etc.)