Take a little time to reflect on families’ roles in your program. Do you think your program is where it should be in terms of family-centered practice? Answer the questions that follow and reflect on what they mean for your program. Share your thoughts with your colleagues to begin thinking about how to improve experiences for families.
Are you satisfied with the role families play in your program in general? Why/why not?
- What is one area in which you think your program could improve policies and procedures related to family-centered practice? Think about:
How do you reach all families?
Are all families meaningful partners in your program?
How can you tell when families feel connected to the program? What shows that they consider it a resource and an asset in the community?
How does your program engage families? What strategies do you use? What opportunities do families have to be involved?
Where could you go to get new ideas for family engagement?
Describe the struggles you see staff members having with families. How do you support staff and families in these instances?
What tensions do you feel in your role? What supports are available to you to help manage these tensions?