This tool is intended to be a companion to the FCC Program Quality Observation Tool that will be completed by the FCC Coordinator in the Home Visit Management System. FCC Providers can use this comprehensive tool to reflect on their own practices related to the quality of their interactions and the experiences provided in the FCC home. For each practice, the provider should indicate their level of mastery as Emerging (E), Developing (D), or Mastered (M). E EmergingYou are still building and understanding of and use of the practice indicated. D DevelopingYou understand the practice but are still working to consistently implement it. M MasteredYou have a clear understanding of the skill and implement the practice consistently. Relationships & InteractionsEngages in back-and-forth conversations with children. Knows children’s individual interests, temperaments, and preferences. Responds to children’s non-verbal and verbal cues. Engages in a warm, nurturing way by smiling, making eye contact, and talking during routines and activities. Understand the abilities of each child and modifies activities and instruction to meet individual needs. Uses positive directions to redirect children to appropriate behaviors. Acknowledges children’s positive behaviors and achievements.
Learning ActivitiesProvides a balance of activities and experiences. Provides both visual and auditory examples of cues & expectations for the schedule, routines, and transitions. Uses observations of individual abilities to scaffold learning and interactions based on interests and needs. Maintains an organized, yet flexible environment where materials support mixed-age groups. Includes developmentally appropriate print throughout learning environment. Incorporates diverse types of reading materials and books across routines and activities. Responds to and expands on children’s sounds, words, sentences, and questions. Provides safe, open-ended sensory experiences that foster creativity. Asks open-ended questions that encourage critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Plans and engages as a co-explorer in a variety of indoor and outdoor experiences.
Communication & ProfessionalismEmbeds opportunities to learn about and celebrate family and cultural diversity in the curriculum. Represents children’s families and cultures in authentic and meaningful ways throughout the environment. Engages with children and families in ways that demonstrate respect and confidentiality. Communicates with families often and in a variety of ways. Considers others’ beliefs and perspectives when communicating and problem-solving.
ConclusionsMy overall strengths in these areas include: Areas where I wish to improve include: The specific supports I need to make improvements include: