Sexual Development and Behavior Factors: Case Study Example |
This example is based on the information from the case study described in the lesson. Review the notes that the program professionals (Crystal and Sheilia) used to understand and reflect on Cameron's sexual development and behavior factors. You can refer to this example as additional support for understanding and reflecting on the sexual development and behavior of children and youth in your care. Think about the child or youth's sexual development-physical changes, knowledge and beliefs, and behaviors and record the information in the table below: Physical Changes
Knowledge & Beliefs
Record your thoughts on the following factors to reflect on a child's sexual behavior.
Culture & Family Norms:It has been difficult for program staff to collaborate with Vanessa and Chris, Camerons parents. They have a very authoritarian, no-tolerance parenting style. Sheila has provided information to the family on social-emotional development and positive guidance. When Sheila hears of Cameron doing good things in the program, she always shares this with Vanessa and Chris. Development:Cameron has a history of challenging behavior. He received special education in preschool due to delayed social-emotional development, though he no longer qualifies for services at his kindergarten transition. Last school year, he went through the evaluation process at school and the evaluation team recommended he qualify as a student with an emotional disturbance. Vanessa and Chris disagreed with this and would not consent to an IEP. They feel the problem is with the school, not their son. Function of the Behavior:Cameron threatens using violent and sexual language to get what he wants. He couldnt really state why he touched Makayla but did say that he gets mad over stupid stuff and that she was going to get it. Frequency & Participation:
Environment:Staff dont feel there is a particular environment or activity where these behaviors occur more often, but peer collaboration activities are most challenging for Cameron Effect on Others:
Redirection:Staff have been providing targeted supports Tier 2 of the Pyramid Model for about a month. They have been trying to build Camerons self-esteem by pointing out the good things he does and providing mini rewards for his good behavior, but this has not been very effective. Cameron initiates confrontation and threatens on a daily basis. Learn more about the Pyramid Model and targeted supports in the Focused Topics course 勛圖厙ing Children With Challenging Behaviors. |