Complete the questions below to better understand your own biases. Share with your staff during a staff meeting so that they can also engage in this type of self-reflection.
Is there someone you work with that you have a hard time connecting with? Why do you think getting to know them is so challenging?
When you are gathered at work for a meeting, at a conference or in public place and you have to make a quick decision about who to sit by, how do you make that decision? Are you aware of how you make this decision?
When was the first time you became aware of differences?
When you were growing up, what messages did you receive about people who were different?
What messages did your family give you about people that were similar to you?
Describe a time when you were aware of your own difference.
Have you mistreated someone (intentionally or unintentionally) for being different?
Who are you most comfortable around? How do you know when you are comfortable or uncomfortable around certain people or groups of people?
Adapted from Bright Morning (n.d). Coaching for equity tools.